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How to Pack for a Trip to Dubai: Exotic Travel Made Easy

packing list for Dubai

Dubai is a fascinating destination that blends modern luxury with ancient traditions. I’ve been there once and it was one of the best vacations of my life. With its towering skyscrapers, world-class shopping, and stunning beaches, it’s a captivating travel spot. However, packing for Dubai requires some planning due to the region’s cultural norms and climate. Here are some tips on what to bring for an unforgettable trip.


Dunai is more liberal than its neighbors but still more conservative than the West. Since Dubai is a Muslim country, it’s important to dress conservatively in public areas. Men should avoid sleeveless shirts and shorts above the knee. Women should cover their shoulders, midriffs, and legs at least to the knees when outside hotels and beaches. Lightweight layers in breathable fabrics work well.

Pack a few modest tops with sleeves, loose pants/trousers, long skirts, and dresses that cover your knees. Also, bring a lightweight scarf for women to cover your hair when visiting religious sites like mosques. When at beach clubs, pools, or water parks, swimwear is acceptable. Pack a couple of swimsuits, coverups, hats, and sandals.

For evenings, nicer outfits are common at upscale restaurants and attractions. Men may want collared shirts and slacks, while women can opt for dresses or tops with sleeves paired with pants or longer skirts.


Dubai involves a lot of walking. Bring comfortable closed-toe walking shoes that can handle the heat. Also, pack sandals or flip-flops for the pool and beach. Dress shoes might be needed if you plan on trying the fabulous five-star restaurants in Dubai.


Don’t forget a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen with a high SPF to protect against the strong UAE sun. A light jacket or cardigan is useful for cooler evenings and over-air-conditioned places. Dubai is hot during the day and very cool to cold at night.

A secure cross-body bag or small backpack is ideal for carrying essentials while sightseeing. Consider packing an insulated water bottle to stay hydrated in the dry desert climate.

Other Essentials

In addition to your travel documents and money, be sure to bring any medications you need. An outlet adapter and portable battery pack can also come in handy. I always have earbuds and a money belt when I travel. Earbuds help when there are airport delays and the money belt will help keep your money and passport safe.

By packing appropriate warm-weather clothing and accessories, you’ll be prepared for your exciting trip to glamorous Dubai. Just be mindful of cultural customs and you’re all set to experience the best of this Emirati gem.

Here’s a helpful list of items to pack for a trip to Dubai:

  1. Conservative clothing that covers shoulders, midriffs, and legs below the knee for visiting public places (loose pants/trousers, long skirts, dresses, tops with sleeves)
  2. Lightweight, breathable fabrics suitable for hot weather
  3. A scarf/shawl for women to cover their hair when visiting mosques or religious sites
  4. 1-2 swimsuits, coverups, hat, and sandals for beach/pool
  5. Nice evening outfits for upscale restaurants/attractions (slacks and collared shirts for men, dresses or tops with sleeves paired with pants/skirts for women)
  6. Comfortable closed-toe walking shoes
  7. Flip-flops or sandals
  8. Hat
  9. Sunglasses
  10. High SPF sunscreen
  11. Light jacket or cardigan for cooler evenings or air-conditioned places
  12. Cross-body bag or small backpack
  13. Insulated water bottle
  14. Medications
  15. Outlet adapter and portable charger
  16. Travel documents (passport, visa if required, etc.)
  17. Money (a mix of cash and debit/credit cards)
  18. Money Belt (I never travel without it)
  19. Earbuds for flights and airports

I know you will enjoy your trip to Dubai. Remember that it’s always important to learn about the area’s cultures before you travel there. This is especially true for a place like Dubai. The city tries hard to accept Westerners but you still don’t want to make a fool out of yourself over some small misunderstanding.

Here’s a short list of some of the local customs in Dubai. It doesn’t cover everything but it’s a start.

  • Dress Modestly – Avoid revealing clothing, especially for women. Cover shoulders, midriffs, and knees.
  • Public Displays of Affection – Overt displays of affection between couples are frowned upon in public.
  • Greetings – A firm handshake is common for men, while women may simply nod. Don’t initiate a handshake with an Emirati woman.
  • Alcohol Consumption – Public drunkenness and drinking alcohol outside of licensed venues are illegal.
  • Ramadan Etiquette – Avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours during the holy month.
  • Gestures – Refrain from using the OK sign, pointing, or showing the soles of your feet, which are considered offensive.
  • Photography – Ask permission before taking photos of people, especially women.
  • Respect Religious Sites – Dress modestly, remove shoes, and follow all rules when visiting mosques.
  • Weekend – The weekend in the UAE is Friday and Saturday, not Saturday and Sunday.
  • Haggling – Bargaining is expected and acceptable at souks (traditional markets) and with street vendors.
  • Hierarchy and Titles – Respect hierarchies, and use titles when addressing elders or those in positions of authority.
  • Hospitality – Emirati culture values hospitality and generosity, so be gracious and accept offerings.
  • Time – Arabs generally have a more relaxed attitude toward time, so expect delays and be patient.
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