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How to Visit New York City on a Shoestring Budget Without Missing Out!

Budget Travel Guide for New York City

Everyone knows that New York City is a fabulous place to visit. The city has an almost unlimited amount of exciting attractions including Central Park, Times Square, The Statue of Liberty, and Broadway just to name a few. Not to mention all of the top-notch museums and restaurants that are all packed into one city (a very large city). I believe that everyone should get to visit New York City at least once in their life. I also want everyone to know that your dream trip to NYC is possible.

Most people think that taking a trip to New York City is too expensive but I’m here to tell you that they are wrong! There are plenty of ways to cut the bill of your trip by nearly half (%50) if done correctly. Learning to travel within a budget and still have a great time is a skill that I have practiced for decades. I love to travel but I also love to save money. If you feel the same way then continue reading to get my tips for how to save money on a trip to New York City.

How to Find the Cheapest Place to Stay

The most expensive part of a trip to New York City is going to be the hotel room or airfare. This is where you are going to need to be creative and flexible in order to save money. Finding a deal on a hotel room in Manhattan is just not going to happen. The hotels on the island have more business than they can handle so they have no incentive to cut their rates.

You will save %50 or more on your lodgings if you stay outside of Manhattan. One of the great things about New York City is that the city has fantastic public transportation. You can get to the city easily and cheaply from nearly every area around it. Saving a ton of money is as simple as renting a hotel room in New Jersey or Queens instead of Manhattan. You also need to book your hotel reservations as far ahead of your trip as possible.

Budget hotels do exist in the suburbs of New York City. From there it’s a simple 45-minute trip to New York. Yes, you will have to spend 1.5 hours a day commuting (both ways) but that’s a small price to pay to save thousands of dollars. Not to mention that you will get to see the sights outside of New York City as well. If you are traveling with a small group of adults you can save a lot of money by staying in a hostel but I understand that a hostel is not really an option for families with teens or small children.

The last time I was in New York City I stayed in Queens and I had a great time! Here are some budget hotels to check out in the area. Most of these places aren’t highly rated so remember we are going for cheap and not five-star.

Hotels near NYC for under $100 a night (or near it).

Many of the hotels near Newark and JFK airports are decently priced. This is very convenient but remember to shop around and book your lodgings well in advance! You can stay at a Hostel for around $35 a night in NYC if that is something you want to look in to.

Even budget hotels in NJ cities like Jersey City can be great options, with transportation taking 30 minutes on the PATH transit system directly into the heart of Manhattan for a few dollars.

New York City Budget Vacation
See Wonderful New York City For Yourself

Saving Money on Airplane Tickets

The second most expensive part of your trip to New York City is going to be airfare. Depending on where you live, you might want to consider driving and leaving your car in a garage for the duration of your trip.

I don’t recommend taking a Greyhound bus under any circumstances. I’ve been on one a few times and they are always crazy. If you feel like you are okay being trapped on a bus for 20 hours with strangers then maybe you should consider this option.

The key to saving money on airplane tickets is to buy them well in advance. You also need to check prices from different airlines. One airline might be cheaper for the flight home than the one that was cheapest for the flight there. Airline math is complicated and no one understands it. Don’t just assume that buying a round-trip ticket is the cheapest way to go. Yes, it’s the easiest thing to do but saving money takes a little effort.

  • There is a trip.com flight planner widget at the bottom of this post. You can use it to check flight prices for almost any area and airline.

Another way to save money on airfare is to travel light. If possible pack everything you need into a carry-on. Otherwise, take as few suitcases as possible with you on the airplane. If you get carried away shopping while you are in New York City I recommend mailing your purchases home instead of taking them on the plane with you. UPS is cheaper than adding a suitcase to your flight.

Don’t Take Taxis Unless it’s Absolutely Necessary

If you stay in Queens (or another suburb) you can easily walk to the train and ride it into Manhattan (make sure to check how far your hotel is from the train). I recommend buying a week’s metro pass because you will be using it a lot. An unlimited MetroCard for 7 days costs just $33, allowing you to ride the subway and buses as much as you need. Get all of the subway schedules and keep them on you at all times. Better yet, look the subway maps up online and study them before you get there. Taxis are very expensive and taking them will add up very fast.

Many people are scared of riding the New York City subway but there is no real reason to be scared of it. Millions of people ride the subways in New York every day and almost all of them get home fine. I always carry a can of pepper spray (with a built-in personal alarm) in my pocket when I travel just in case.

You will see a lot of people in New York City that are seemingly bumming money on the streets. There is a difference between a street performer and a bum. Many of the street performers are excellent at their craft and they are highly entertaining. I always like to give them my spare change I carry just for this reason. This might sound mean but the best way to deal with homeless people is to act like they aren’t there and to not engage them.

Planning Planning Planning!!

I can’t emphasize enough how important planning ahead is to saving money on any vacation but especially to places like New York City. The further in advance you buy your airplane tickets or rent a room the cheaper it will likely be. A single person might save money by waiting for last-minute airfare but a family is unlikely to be that lucky.

You will also save money by doing research and checking when hotels, airfare, and event rates are cheaper. You can also have just as much fun at an Off-Broadway show as you can at a Broadway show. There are also many attractions you can do in New York that are free or nearly free and yet you still feel like you experienced the city thoroughly.

To save money always avoid traveling during any major holiday or popular vacation time. This includes Summer and Spring breaks plus the entire month of December. I always take my most expensive vacations in September or October. These two months are usually the cheapest to travel during yet it’s not too cold to still have fun. Remember that being flexible is key to saving money on vacations.

Cheap things to do in New York City Include:

  • Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge for free and take in the iconic Manhattan skyline views
  • Visit the free parks like Central Park, Bryant Park, and the High Line
  • Check out the free exhibits and pay-what-you-wish admission at museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, and 9/11 Memorial & Museum
  • Take a free walking tour from companies like Free Tours by Foot
  • See the street performers in places like Central Park, Union Square, and Times Square
  • Window shop along trendy streets like 5th Avenue, SoHo, and the East Village
  • Ride the free Staten Island Ferry for views of the Statue of Liberty
  • Visit NYC’s diverse ethnic neighborhoods like Chinatown, Little Italy, and Arthur Avenue in the Bronx
  • Check out the free outdoor activities like skating rinks, parks, and playgrounds
  • Spend a day exploring the different beach areas like Coney Island and Rockaway Beach
  • Get same-day Broadway rush tickets for deeply discounted shows
  • Look for free comedy shows, music performances, and poetry readings around the city
  • Tour the elaborate NYC public library buildings like Bryant Park and Grand Central Terminal locations
  • Check out the free TV show tapings that offer audience tickets
  • Window shop at the iconic stores like Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, and Saks Fifth Avenue
  • People watch in public spaces like Washington Square Park and Columbus Circle

I hope you enjoy your trip to New York City. A trip like this will create memories you will share with family and friends for years to come. It is true that, even when done correctly, it will cost you some money to go on this vacation, but if you follow my tips you can honestly save thousands of dollars. Thanks for reading and always travel with confidence!

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