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Saving Up for an Epic Vacation: My Personal Money-Stashing Strategies

Tips to Saving Money

As someone who lives for travel and adventure, I’ve become a pro at squirreling away funds for my next big trip. Going on vacation is an investment, but one that pays dividends in the form of incredible memories and life-changing experiences. Whether you’re dreaming of lounging on a remote beach or trekking through ancient ruins, having a solid savings strategy is key to making your travel goals a reality.

Set up a Special Bank Account just for Vacations

One of the most effective ways I save is by setting up automatic transfers from my checking account into a dedicated vacation fund. I’ve learned that the “out of sight, out of mind” approach works wonders in allowing those funds to accumulate without the temptation to spend them elsewhere. I started small by diverting just $25 per paycheck, but after seeing how quickly those micro-deposits added up, I increased the amount to $75 every two weeks. It’s shocking how fast those small, consistent contributions turn into a respectable vacation budget.

Tip: I have separate bank accounts for Christmas and Savings as well as Travel. In today’s computer age, it is easy to have my paycheck sent to several different banks. My money for everyday expenses and bills goes to my main account. In my head, the other money doesn’t even exist.

Keep Separate Bank Accounts
Separate Bank Accounts Are A Big Key to Me Saving Money!

Extra Money is not Extra!

In addition to automated savings, I employ a variety of other money-stashing hacks to accelerate my vacation fund’s growth. Whenever I receive unexpected cash from a work bonus, tax refund, or birthday money from relatives, I immediately sweep it into my travel fund before I can spend it elsewhere. I’ve also made a habit of rounding up every purchase to the nearest dollar increment and transferring the difference into a savings account (my bank does this automatically but once a month I transfer this money into my travel fund).

I keep track of every Dollar

To avoid mindless spending that could derail my vacation goals, I meticulously track every dollar using a budgeting app (you can easily find one these days). The app only needs to be connected to my main bank account since the others are just for savings.

Seeing my monthly expenditures laid out in black and white brings an accountability that helps curb frivolous purchases. When I’m tempted to splurge on something non-essential, I simply ask myself if it’s worth delaying my next adventure. More often than not, the answer is a hard “no.”

Budgeting is a Life Skill many people overlook

We live in a society that makes us think that spending money is the only way to find happiness. The big companies see us as walking dollar signs and throw advertisements at us 24/7. Don’t give in to this pressure. Money in the bank is true security and that makes me happy!

I’ve also found major savings by embracing a few lifestyle adjustments. Since I work remotely, I typically cook most of my meals at home by using affordable pantry staples and purchasing items on sale. I’m the type of person who stocks up when something I like is on sale. Buying in bulk (with purpose) is a great way to save money. The trick is not to buy a sale item just because it is on sale. Only buy sale items that you know for sure you will need or use.

Not eating out as often saves me hundreds per month. I do still eat out sometimes but I limit the number of times and I never buy alcohol at a restaurant. Alcohol is the most marked-up product at restaurants. If I want to drink a margarita or something when I go out I make sure that it’s during happy hour. Flexibility is the key to saving money. Eating earlier or on a day when the restaurant is less crowded and you will find better deals.

I Schedule Mini-Vacations

When the travel itch becomes too strong, I’ll treat myself to an “adventure weekend” camping at a nearby Cades Cove or taking a walk in Downtown Knoxville. These micro-vacations not only satisfy my desire to travel between bigger trips, but they’re also far more economical than full vacations. I call them “home vacations” and they can be very satisfying. When I’m on a home vacation I tell everyone that I am out of town so no one bothers me.

Making More Money is the fastest way to Get More Money!

Budgeting is a great way to build money that everyone should do, but it can only take you so far. Of course, earning extra income is one of the most powerful ways to accelerate vacation savings. I’ve monetized my passions by freelance writing about travel, working as a virtual tour guide, housesitting for friends who are out of town, and even renting out a small camper van. I inherited an old, small camper that I have made money off of for years now.

Every extra dollar I can make gets funneled directly into my vacation stash. I had to humble myself and realize that a dollar earned is a dollar earned. It doesn’t matter where it came from. Most people suffer from money problems so don’t be ashamed to put yourself out there to make extra money!

The Side-Hustle is the new American Dream!

Side hustles can be hard to start but they are very helpful when they finally pay off. I must have tried 20 different side hustles before I made my first dollar of profit. I don’t regret any of it! The internet gives everyone the ability to make money from home so I recommend taking advantage of it. Everyone I know has a skill or hobby that can be monetized somehow. These days you can make money on Youtube or TikTok just by talking about almost anything. All it takes is time, effort, and determination. Even $50 a week in extra income can help tremendously.

Savings Add Up
Small Amounts of Money Add up Surprisingly Quick

I want to emphasize these points I have learned after years of trying different side hustles. Remembering these points could help save you time and energy.

  • Side hustles are NOT get-rich schemes. They usually take a year or more to pay off.
  • Take your time and don’t burn yourself out. Success doesn’t come overnight so you don’t need to do all the work in one week. Spread out your tasks.
  • Don’t give up on a good idea. This is a hard one for me because sometimes I can’t tell which ideas are “good”.
  • Reverse of the last point. Don’t waste time on a bad idea. This is subjective and will take some soul-searching to figure out.
  • Don’t spend too much money starting your side hustle. It will take a long time to get it back. Try using social media or another free avenue to start a side hustle.
  • Pick a side hustle that interests you so it can be a hobby as well. This way making money is just an added bonus.
  • Remember that the internet is fickle so be prepared to diversify. There is no guaranteed money when it comes to internet side hustles.

This website (traveltn.net) took seven months, hundreds of dollars, and over 500 work hours before it brought in its first dollar. If I was only after money with this website I would have quit doing it a long time ago. It still doesn’t bring in a lot of money but I’m glad I kept it going.

I Find the Best Travel Deals Possible

Finding a great deal on a vacation is an entire article topic of its own so I will only be giving the basic ideas here.

Once my travel fund reached its goal amount, I started hunting for deals and hacking my way to the most economical yet memorable vacation possible. I always try to travel during the off-season to take advantage of lower prices on airfare and hotels. I’m religious about using travel credit card sign-up bonuses to offset the costs of flights. Accommodation-wise, I’ve become a pro at finding affordable gems on various platforms. I’ll often cook my own meals and engage in low-cost activities like hiking to keep my daily costs to a minimum.

YOU DON’T HAVE TO SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON TRAVEL TO HAVE FUN!! The idea that you need to spend a lot of money on vacation attractions is made up by the companies that own these attractions. Every place I have ever been has plenty of free or low-cost sights to see or things to do!

I hope this article helped You: Saving Money is a Life-Changing Skill that Everyone Should Know

At the end of the day, saving up for an incredible travel experience is about making it a priority while embracing smart spending habits and side hustles. With patience, discipline, and a little creativity, that bucket list adventure you’ve been dreaming of can become a reality. Trust me, the sacrifices are well worth it once you finally arrive at your dream destination!

Remember the keys to saving money are:

  • Consistency
  • Planning
  • Flexibility
  • Determination
  • Hard work
  • Delayed gratification
  • Thorough Bargain Hunting
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